Thursday, January 12, 2012


As if his life weren’t already form fitting enough to hero myth, with its “epic” beginning during the computer revolution of the 1980s, his subsequent fall from grace setting the dramatic scene only for him to to rise again with an even more stunning second Act (or “second coming”?) which  saw him lead Apple (the company itself pulled back by Jobs from the brink) in a resurrecting revolutionizing of the digital music player, cell phone and relatively non-existent tablet markets all in the matter of a short decade (not to mention warming up with Pixar?), Jobs has not willingly but no less poetically sene fit to also, like any good living legend should, go out before his time and while at the height of cultural significance and indeed to the “t” within an actual 24 hours of the public premiere of his successor as Apple CEO’s taking the stage (Tim Cook), where Steve would quarterly most clearly shine with visionary glee, not a little like an elderly wife passing on within a week of her husbands recent departure, Steve having conclusively past the baton on and so leaving with a form fittingly Christ-like, “It is finished!” final gasping breath.  Steve Jobs: a digital age icon and life of religious form and legend lands perfectly a book end worthy of myth itself?  A story of biblical proportions that begins with an apple’s bite and ends with a suffering messiah’s triumphant last words and the forever after faith of his followers?  Amen??  And shall we now some how fail to make haste in prophesying his inevitable return??  (Hollywood treatment, iLegend, film coming soon…?????? ;P)

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